Adam parts

From: Mark Gregory <>
Date: Thu Feb 4 00:04:03 1999

Hi. I have some ADAM software, but very few of the dreaded high-speed tape
cassettes to duplicate it onto. If you can send me an ADAM cassette, I can
dupe what I have - email me off-list if you're interested and I'll dredge
through the storage closet and see what I've got.

I frequently see the ADAM joysticks at the local thrifts; I can pick some
up for you if you want - again, email me off-list.

If you called Coleco, I'm sure their response would be either:
"Sure, we've still got 20,000 unsold units in the warehouse" or "Send your
computer, in it's original packing materials, to one of our convenient
repair depots ... "


At 06:53 PM 2/3/99 -0500, you wrote:
>Does anyone have any ADAM joysticks and/or software? ...or any commercial
>source for them?
>What to you suppose would happen if I called up Coleco?
Received on Thu Feb 04 1999 - 00:04:03 GMT

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