Jay West wrote:
> I'm glad I got the first batch of docs for the 2100 stuff. But given that
> the second batch of HP docs which I did not get went so fast, I have to
> suspect there's some other 2100/21MX lurkers on the list :) One of these
> days I'll get around to cataloging all the HP docs/manuals/tapes, etc. that
> I have. At that point, copies are available to anyone here at no charge
> (except actual copying and shipping cost). Enjoy!
So what are you waiting on, get on with cataloguing ;-)
> Here's an HP2000 question for you all.... Looks like I'm coming into a FULL
> SOURCE code listing of the Time Shared BASIC (TSB) operating system for the
> 2000F variety. However, it is in printed format (about six LARGE three ring
> binders). Is there any better way rather than just keying in the source? I
> was thinking perhaps OCR, but I don't know how good my OCR program is
> (haven't used it yet). But even if that works, OCR mistakes would be very
> hard to find and certainly a tad annoying at compile time!
> Perhaps if anyone else here is interested in this, the binders could be
> split up and each person scan, ocr, and check their section? Just a
> thought...
I have a similar problem with some code I received as GIF images. The
listings I received had the binary object code included so it is
possible to check the object code against the source to verify cross
check accuracy. Needs some programming but that should be fairly easy.
I'd be happy to volunteer for such a project in exchange for the full
source and perhaps some more 2100 documentation.
Hans B Pufal Comprehensive Computer Catalogue
<mailto:hansp_at_digiweb.com> <
Received on Thu Feb 04 1999 - 15:14:07 GMT