On Fri, 5 Feb 1999, Dwight Elvey wrote:
> Yes, many still look for that magic valve. As a good rule
> of thumb, don't invest in anyone that says he has found it.
> For the most part, we haven't been able to model the
> mathematical part correctly that shows that it can't be
> done. We haven't found one case in nature that uses the principle.
> This is usually a good case for there not being a way to
> do it. As we look at everything man has done, we notice
Well, you don't see monkey's hurling themselve into space either (er, on
their own volition that is). But we do that all the time.
> that nature has often been using that principle for something
> else for billions of years. It is vary important to explore
> why we can't do it but foolish to believe that because we
> don't know why we can't that somehow we will beat all the indicators
> and find the trick that nature missed and only we could find.
You mean like that naturally formed computing device found embedded in the
rocks of a cave under a waterfall that somehow regulated the flow of the
nearby river for reasons that are unclear?
(Had to find someway to make this even remotely on topic :)
Sellam Alternate e-mail: dastar_at_siconic.com
Always hasslin' the man.
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Received on Fri Feb 05 1999 - 12:22:19 GMT