At 06:21 PM 2/7/99 +0100, you wrote:
>Hi ,can you assist .we have a old 386 with a conner 80 meg HD .We needed
>to clean same and used the zero fill from disk manager on boot up. we
>got message NO ROM BASIC >SYSTEM HALTED we cannot find anything on this
>error message.or what we did wrong ?????? regards from africa ROY HILL
What this means is that you have a clone system that cloned the original
IBM BIOS a bit too well. The original IBM PC had a BASIC intrepreter in
the ROMs and if the boot from disk failed, (or no drives were installed)
the system would drop out into the ROM based BASIC.
Many of the early clone systems copied the IBM BIOS rather exactly, but
without the ROM based version of Microsoft BASIC included. So, when the
disk boot code times out, it looks for the BASIC ROMs, and when it does not
find them displays this message and halts the processor.
Looks like you need to do a ground up reinstall of your OS into the hard
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Received on Sun Feb 07 1999 - 12:24:33 GMT