At 06:50 PM 2/7/99 -0800, you wrote:
>At 03:56 PM 2/7/99 -0800, James Willing wrote:
>>Screens are apx. 72 dots per inch. When the browser tries to interpolate
>>your 300dpi scans, it all goes to heck! (ruled by that guy with the spoon
>>from 'Dilbert')
>Sorry Jim, this suggestion is incorrect. The issue with scanning 300 DPI
>line art is that typically (and I know this to be the case with Umax
>scanners using Umax software) the image is scanned as a binary black and
>white image.
>Now when you "reduce" it to 72 - 100 DPI (which is screen resolution) if
>you retain the black and white mode then you will get crap. This is because
>you lose a lot of information. However, if you change the image to be an 8
>bit grey scale image at the same time you resample it, then it will look
>reasonable because the program can use antialiasing techniques to preserve
>the information in the image.
True enough... In reading the original posting I seem to have fixated on
the resolution issue and missed the 'line art' aspect...
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Received on Mon Feb 08 1999 - 00:23:59 GMT