some finds...

From: Brian Mahoney <>
Date: Mon Feb 8 21:34:19 1999

Nice find Alison! The best thing about the 128 was the color monitor
that may/may not have come with it. You can use it for a CGA monitor
with an XT et al and as a vcr/tv tuner monitor as well. Of course it
has a 64 chip in it as well as a CP/M. I have lots of info and
peripherals and software if you need anything. Pocket Writer 128 is a
good WP and, believe it or not, it is still available retail.
Brian Mahoney

Allison J Parent wrote:

> Recent finds and far more on topic!
> Ti99/4a with a slew of carts and docs... I already have three!
> Commadore 128, 1571 disk, some docs and software.
> This puppy is one I've wanted to play with and plan to keep.
> Allison

Received on Mon Feb 08 1999 - 21:34:19 GMT

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