best hack replacement for HP-01 stylus? [Re: OT: Nasty Hangnail; Cuban Cigarettes; Caberet Voltaire and KISS?]

From: Doug <>
Date: Mon Feb 8 19:58:41 1999

On Mon, 8 Feb 1999, Joseph S. Barrera III wrote:

> Sorry, I wasn't clear. There's the pen-sized stylus -- which I have -- and
> then there's a little stylus thing that's supposed to fit into a small space
> on the flat closing part of the watch band. I don't have the latter.

Perhaps a pic would help:

BTW, one of those toys recently went for $1200 on oy-bay:

I don't get it. It's not programmable. Not even RPN. I'd rather have
an HP-IB clock module hanging around my neck (or a DataLink watch with
uploadable wrist-apps, of course).

-- Doug
Received on Mon Feb 08 1999 - 19:58:41 GMT

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