Newly acquire stuff

From: Uncle Roger <>
Date: Wed Feb 10 19:47:22 1999

At 03:16 PM 2/10/99 -0800, you wrote:
>> Nope... How about the Altima 1 and 2? (See
>> Not quite the standard layout,
>Error 404, File not found? I think the Amstrad looks better :).

Whups, 404 is the hospital room # my dad is in... it must have worn off on
me. 8^) It's all spelled out.

But, I'll agree, I do like the Amstrad better.

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Uncle Roger "There is pleasure pure in being mad that none but madmen know."
Roger Louis Sinasohn & Associates
San Francisco, California
Received on Wed Feb 10 1999 - 19:47:22 GMT

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