Need Civilization Pointers... (was: Re: Intel 4004)

From: Roger Merchberger <>
Date: Sat Feb 13 09:33:10 1999

Once upon a midnight dreary, Ward D. Griffiths III had spoken clearly:
>On Sat, 13 Feb 1999, Doug wrote:
>> On Sat, 13 Feb 1999, Lawrence Walker wrote:
>> > It's normal. Everyone feels resentment against Californians from time
>> > to time. Mind you, when you consider that mudslides, Santa Ana induced
>> > firestorms, earthquakes, and the inevitable slide into the Pacific make
>> > things a little less desirable, even with the presence of "California
>> > Girls", you CAN feel fortunate at not being there.

>> Exactly! California is a *very* dangerous place to be. Stay home!

No offense, but my father (who has been there several times) says it's
dangerous for the same reason he calls California "the land of Fruits and
Nuts." There seems to be a higher-than-normal percentage of folks who are
"not mainstream." Having never been there, I cannot speak from
experience... but my wife has an aunt that's lived out there for over 30
years, and... well... while I do enjoy her visits, I am rather happy when
she does go home. ;-)

>Wish I was there. Back home in Los Angeles you only have to shovel
>earthquake debris once or twice a century. Here in New Jersey you
>have to shovel snow at least a couple of times a year, and the last
>several winters have been milder than "normal". (Thank whatever
>gods there might be for global warming).

Aaaawwwww, Poor Ward! Shovel snow a couple times a year??? How's 'bout a
couple times a week, for 5-6 months? Erm, that's why I own a snowblower.

Yes, it's desolate... Yes, it's remote. Yes, the travel costs (more than
just gas... there's time, wear & tear on the vehicle & driver, etc...) are
nasty when you have to travel to "civilization," like I have to do this
weekend (headed for Detroit for a funeral), but it's also quiet, and the
biggest crime in my neighborhood over the last 6 months was speeding
(usually mine... ;-) & the neighbor's dog taking a walkabout thru my yard.

Great for me, sux for my hobby.

Anyone in MoTown giving anything away that'll fit in the back of my Chevy
Astro? (wink, wink)

See ya,
Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Roger "Merch" Merchberger   ---   sysadmin, Iceberg Computers
Recycling is good, right???  Ok, so I'll recycle an old .sig.
If at first you don't succeed, nuclear warhead
disarmament should *not* be your first career choice.
Received on Sat Feb 13 1999 - 09:33:10 GMT

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