> I still program for the PET, but these days, for speed of developement, I
> use VICE and emulate the PET on my SPARCstation. I did finally manage to
> port Zork I from the C-64 to the 40-col BASIC 2 PET. Something about
> BASIC 4 is clobbering bits of memory, but I don't know where (could be
> DS/DS$ stuff; it s very convoluted).
I can't remember about DS and DS$, but these may use some formerly unused
page 0 locations.
I do recall though that the 8000 series used the former table screen line
status bytes (whether the first or second half of an 80-character line),
which was not needed when screen lines were 80 character anyway, for a lot
of things used in the new screen management routines. The Fat 40, however,
did need the screen line status bytes, and stuck the screen management junk
at the end of the 2nd cassette buffer. So Cassette #2 can only be used for
loading and saving programs on the fat 40. Other data gets corrupted.
Anyway, West should contain it all, so best of luck when you get your
Received on Sun Feb 14 1999 - 23:01:12 GMT
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