> Some time back I got a nice double bay DEC rack that is the dark orange
> color with beige trim. The top front has a slight slope to it (on one side
> of the rack this slope contains the controls for the TU10).
> I'm starting to suspect that the TU10 was used with an 8, and the 8 was
> later upgraded to an 11, so the TM11 was added. How likely is this?
> More to the point, can the 8E use a TU10, if so via what 8E modules, and is
> it "historically accurate" to put a TU10 on an 8E? Or - was this a config
> that was possible but so rare as to not be representative?
> Can anyone shed some light on this?
> Jay West
DEC did sell 11's in Orange, Red, Green and Blue cabinets for a while
(to match customer decor).
I don't seem to remember the TU10 mounted in any cabinet with a top
front slope. However, I worked on very few true TU10's. (More TE10W's
TE16's and TU16's...
This does sound like some of the 8 racks. How high is it?
Five feet, Six Feet?
However, it's possible that an 8 cabinet was used as part as an upgrade.
I don't know about TU10's on an 8.
Bill Gates is a Persian cat and a monocle away from being a
villain in a James Bond movie -- Dennis Miller
Received on Mon Feb 15 1999 - 20:37:15 GMT