> I just picked up an Apple ][c+ (enhanced ][c, w/3.5" internal floppy
> and 4.0Mhz 65C02) with monitor, stand, mouse and two Imagewriter I printers
> for the princely sum of $15, but lack modern software. All I have is a
> couple of 5.25" DOS 3.3 floppies from my ][+ days. I know this thing works:
> it boots and runs DOS 3.3; what I need is something a little newer.
> Did Apple ever post ProDOS to the 'net like they have made older versions
> of MacOS available? Does DOS 3.3 support 3.5" 800K floppies (probably not).
> Is there a good repository for Apple ][ software on ftp somewhere?
You'll need some kind of modem software to transfer it from whatever machine
you download it from to the IIc, unless you have a mac and a 3.5 inch disk drive
for the IIc.
> Thanks. I've been out of the Apple ][ loop for 15 years. I used to make
> my living programming kids games for it (company: Software Productions;
> products: Micro Mother Goose, Micro Habitats, Alphabet Beasts and Company),
> but I haven't used one since the company folded in 1984. In short: I'm
> not an Apple ][ novice, but I am ignorant of semi-modern advances in the
> Apple line.
> Thanks,
> -ethan
Jim Strickland
Vote Meadocrat! Bill and Opus in 2000 - Who ELSE is there?
Received on Mon Feb 15 1999 - 21:19:08 GMT