Just ran across a Rondure Company flyer where the price of a PDP-8 is listed
as $500, and the 8/L and 8/I say to call for pricing. It occurs to me that
someone living in Dallas, Tx might be able to research out the company and
with a *lot* of luck, find a list of their customers who might have bought
one. There is no date on this flyer, but the other stuff in the folder is
dated 1971. The address then was:
Rondure Company
"The Computer Room"
2522 Butler St
Dalas, Texax 75235
Apparently they also sold some Carterphone stuff, and there is a copy of a
schematic with the flyer titled "Low Speed Modem, Originate Mode."
Received on Tue Feb 16 1999 - 02:36:30 GMT
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