Sanyo 550

From: Phil Clayton <>
Date: Tue Feb 16 08:00:12 1999

> > >At 11:11 AM 2/15/99 -0500, Phil wrote:
> > >>Purchased a Sanyo MBC 550 today at the local thrift for $3.50..
> >
> > > Then you paid about $3.50 too much!
> > Joe, I know that you have a special love for these machines (Sanyo 550) I
> have
> > read your comments on the forum on the one you soaked so much money in
> > trying to get it to run.. (HeHe)!!!
> My $0.02. Nothing is ever gained by flaming machines that others collect,
> no matter what bad experiences you had with them. I learnt that the hard
> way after a rather memorable flamefest involving the Apple ][...
> Fact is, the Sanyo can be a somewhat interesting machine. It is not a PC
> compatible, and it shouldn't claim to be. It is a classic (10 years or
> more old) 8088 box. And for that reason it's on-topic here.

Not to worry! Joe was not Flaming me he was just joking , we "Horse Trade"
computers all the time and I seen him at several Hamfests in Florida.. I think I
may have purchased some 12 computers from him to date at Swap Meets..

Last time I saw Joe at a Tampa HamFest he purchased A rather large pile of pure
junk, all rusty and covered with mildew. I personally would have passed on it,
but he was thrilled at the purchase (HaHa)!! So my Sanyo purchase for $3.50 can
never rival that one.. <Grin>!!

I do agree with you on the fact that the Sanyo is rather unique as it was an
early entry into the DOS compatible market place and for that reason alone its a
Although I do not really collect DOS machines I do have several that I think are
special like, the Compaq XT portable, IBM XT portable, Kaypro 16 XT, and now the
"Rare" Sanyo MBC 550..
Received on Tue Feb 16 1999 - 08:00:12 GMT

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