> On Wed, 17 Feb 1999 SUPRDAVE_at_aol.com wrote:
>> steverob_at_hotoffice.com writes:
>> << My wife's aunt just cleaned out her closet and gave us a digi-comp 1 in
>> excellent shape with all the manuals, box, etc. I see from previous
> "All the manuals"? There's the rather slender "Manual" and the
> assembly instructions. That's all that ever came with mine, long gone.
Maybe she bought the other manuals - there was a manual of detailed
explanations of the various "experiments" (cost: $1), a "Digi-Comp Romps"
booklet of games and clever tricks, and possibly another book of additional
serious experiments.
My Digicomp also came with a brochure for the other ESR products: Digi-comp
2, Dr. Nim, and Think-a-dot.
--Larry Groebe
(new! webpage for Digicomp fans:
Received on Wed Feb 17 1999 - 15:21:58 GMT