At 12:39 AM 2/17/99 +0000, you wrote:
>> Seeing as he said 'the parallel port' I would assume he meant _THE_
>> parallel port as in 'the D-25 female connector with the pinout that was
>In which case you're restricting it to PCs and clones only I would think.
Okay, I'll try to be more clear... 8^)
(And yes, I know "early" is the 50's around here. 8^)
What I'm researching is computers that used the Centronics parallel port to
access a floppy drive or other storage device. Mostly interested in PC's
and compatibles, or computers that use a "PC-compatible" centronics port
(like the Atari ST).
It needs to be controlled by software only (no A/B/PRT switch like some
Toshibas) and ideally needs no re-configuration before switching between
drive and printer (or better still, offers a pass-through for the printer.)
HP-IB/GPIB/IEEE-488 is interesting, and somewhat related, but not entirely
relevant; same for SASI & SCSI. Also, anything after 1990 or so is too new.
--------------------------------------------------------------------- O-
Uncle Roger "There is pleasure pure in being mad that none but madmen know."
Roger Louis Sinasohn & Associates
San Francisco, California
Received on Wed Feb 17 1999 - 18:56:04 GMT