> >
> > It depends upon when it was first published: I believe the date for ``The
> > Shockwave Rider'' is 1975. Another book, ``The Adolensence of P1'' may have
> > been eariler (I want to say 1972, but it may be as late as '74 or '75).
> > ``P1'' was about a self-aware computer program that spread throughout IBM
> > mainframes and while it didn't use the term ``worm'' it's propagation is
> > that of a worm.
> >
> > ``When Harley was One'' is just about a sentient computer in a single
> > location (I believe, it's been awhile since I read that one, and even then,
> > I read ``When Harley was One, 2.0.'') and has nothing to do with viruses or
> > worms.
> >
> > -spc (Okay, so I've read up on some of this stuff 8-)
> >
> Hmm, maybe it was The Adolescence of P1, because your description of it
> is what i was thinking of what i mentioned When Harlie was One.. Harlie
> was first published in 1972.
> Hmm. Maybe I can find a copy in my paperback collection...
Yes, I've found When Harlie was One version 2.0, and The Adolescence of P1.
Its The Adolescence of P1 that deals with a worm program that escapes and
learns and grows, etc. It was published much later, in 1977.
-Lawrence LeMay
Received on Wed Feb 17 1999 - 19:41:16 GMT
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