I tried a ST-251-1 but it wouldn't work. Here's the story:
I picked up a HP 9133XV drive with a bad drive in it. The XV is the one
that you can partion into 4 so that it looks like 4 HP 9895 floppy drives
to the system. It's the only hard drive that can be used on the HP 85, 150
and some of the others. This one has a Seagate ST-419 drive in. I replaced
it with a Seagate ST-251 that has the same number of heads but more tracks
and is smaller and faster. The system recognizes if but it won't format it.
It says that the drives are bad. I'd like to get it running again since the
XV drives are hard to find.
The 251 does have fewer sectors (17 vs 32). I don't know if that's why
it failed or not.
At 10:00 PM 2/17/99 -0600, you wrote:
>If you really need one of these, I may be able to dredge one up for you
>(or at least one with similar geometry); but like the other guy says,
>just about any drive with six heads ought to work.
>BTW-- I will be sending you the 'stuff' tomorrow; it took me awhile
>to get my act together.
>On Wed, 17 Feb 1999 18:53:14 Joe <> writes:
>> I need a Seagate ST-419 to replace one that failed in a HP
>>Anyone got one to spare?
>> Joe
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Received on Thu Feb 18 1999 - 14:47:20 GMT