HP-85 Belts needed

From: Don Maslin <donm_at_cts.com>
Date: Fri Feb 19 19:24:46 1999

On Sat, 20 Feb 1999, Tony Duell wrote:

> > Geez! You guys are dead right and I am dead wrong. It seems like a
> > strange way to do it though.
> It makes the mechanical design much simpler. The outside of the tape (on
> the front edge of the cartridge) has to be the oxide side, or the head
> would have to fit behind the tape somehow. And having the tape that way
> round means that the simplest layout of the cartridge will have it
> spooled oxide-side out.
> I can't think of an obvious cassette or cartridge that has the oxide on
> the inside of the spools. Compact cassette, mini/micro cassettes, N1500,
> V2000, VHS, Betamax video, 8mm video, etc all have the oxide on the
> outside, I think.
> Hang on. What about TK50s? They only have one spool in the cartridge, so
> there's no mechanical reason to have the oxide one side or the other -
> once you've grabbed the leader and threded it through the drive, you
> could have the heads positioned on either side. I don't have a TK50 here
> to check, but I think that one does wind with the oxide on the inside,
> actually.

I just checked. The oxide is on the outside also.
                                                  - don
> >
> >
> -tony
Received on Fri Feb 19 1999 - 19:24:46 GMT

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