Cromemco Dazzler

From: Richard Erlacher <>
Date: Sat Feb 20 09:50:57 1999

I was digging throught the pile of "stuff" from days of old, and find I
have a board-set (S-100) which is a Cromemco (remember them?) Dazzler video
board set. I don't remember using this for anything. What probably
happened is that I read the doc's and determined it was indadequate for my
purpose and set it aside . . . the box (the cardboard box in which it was
pacakged by Cromemco, looks like sh*t but the contents were apparently
unharmed by the passage of 20 years, of which most were spent in the junk

Is anyone interested?

Received on Sat Feb 20 1999 - 09:50:57 GMT

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