> I recall, for example, that our DEC field service engineer at Oregon State
> had a special "tuned hammer" for "thwacking" the circuit boards in our PDP-8
> (straight-8) that ran our front-end terminal multiplexor. Basically it was
> a modified "center punch" with a special paddle in place of the sharp-pointy
> thing. You dialed in the amount of "thump" desired (in special DEC-calibrated
> units: (1-light to 9-break-the-edge-fingers) and pressed the tool against
> the card handle, pushing until the center-punch device clicked. All boards
> were supposed to take at least a "4" if I recall (any DEC FE's out there?)
> and any that didn't were replaced.
> Gary
By the time I came along, Field Service had a brass hammer and that one was
the standard field service suitcase item from Jensen Tools.
Nothing that slick.
My favorite wierd tool -- RA81 insertion and rail mounting tool...
(Hydraulic lift armless secretary chair from some office on the way to
the computer room)..
or the plastic pipe used to catch falling RP06 motors.
ex-DEC Field Service (1981-86)
Bill Gates is a Persian cat and a monocle away from being a
villain in a James Bond movie -- Dennis Miller
Received on Sun Feb 21 1999 - 19:21:50 GMT