Ethan Dicks wrote:
> The DEC FS guy that showed me a drive that he had mod-ed also mentioned
> that the same set of switches he flipped, also included a "force write
> protect" to prevent accidental writing of RL02-width tracks on an RL01
> pack. Seems prudent. It no doubt paralleled the switch on the front panel.
> Disclaimer: I have never installed this mod on any DEC drive, but it sounds
> pretty safe. YMMV.
> -ethan
Based on Ethan's and Tony's information, what are then the differences
between both types, just the track width (i.e. size of the head) and a
few jumpers on the locig board? Or is there more?
The Wanderer | Geloof nooit een politicus! | Europarlementariers: | zakkenvullers en dumpplaats voor
Unix Lives! windows95 is rommel! | mislukte politici.
'96 GSXR 1100R |
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Received on Mon Feb 22 1999 - 13:02:59 GMT