TCP/IP for DEC Pro's

From: <(>
Date: Wed Feb 24 10:23:12 1999

>My DEC Pro has an ethernet card (DECNA) and POS has Pro/DECnet freely available.
>As far as I can tell, there isn't any TCP/IP software for it. (But, if someone
>knows of any, please let us know!).

If you abandon POS, and instead install RT-11 (the best way, of course,
is to buy RT-11 5.7, with all the Y2K hooks for the Pro realtime clock),
you can put Alan Baldwin's TCP/IP for RT-11 on it quite easily. See

(itself a RT-11 machine with a http server) for details.

 Tim Shoppa                        Email:
 Trailing Edge Technology          WWW:
 7328 Bradley Blvd		   Voice: 301-767-5917
 Bethesda, MD, USA 20817           Fax:   301-767-5927
Received on Wed Feb 24 1999 - 10:23:12 GMT

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