Tektronix 4051 magic mode found!

From: Philip.Belben_at_pgen.com <(Philip.Belben_at_pgen.com)>
Date: Thu Feb 25 11:26:13 1999

> Philip,
> You need to read the messages more closely. I was the one that found the

I probably do, but I don't have time for that :-) In fact I didn't see your
message at all! (and I've been getting other Classiccmp messages out of order,
but that's nothing new)

> EXEC command and posted it here. And yes I had already talked to Rick
> about them but he couldn't remember the command or anything about it. I
> told you about that conversation. It wasn't till I posted the message about
> the EXEC command and Rick read it that it stuck a chord and he remembered
> the codes to use with it.

Oh, you mean you'd already _tried_ to pick Rick's brains. That's something
quite different ;-) ;-) ;-)

Received on Thu Feb 25 1999 - 11:26:13 GMT

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