On Fri, 26 Feb 1999, Chris Holden wrote:
> I happened upon your web site and noticed that the word "Beginning" is
> misspelled (you have it as "Begining"). The URL of the page is:
> http://www.heydon.org/kevan/mlists/classiccmp/1998-06/msg00626.html
> I hope this helps.
> Chris
[It would 'help' if you hadn't posted this to a maillist, Chris]
Ya know... s'funny. Of late (past month) I have recieved three or
four unsolicited e-mails from various unknown folks, sort of along
the same lines... "Hi, I stumbled onto your web page and I noticed
that... [insert some percieved imperfection here]".
Two of them were reporting 'broken links' that don't exist in the
active portion of my page....
SO, IMHO... Mr. Holden is either conducting some wierd troll/spam
gathering mission... or, someone **really** needs to get out into
the fresh air more.
Imagine.... a loosely organized group of social troglodytes,
sifting thru the Web with blazing spellcheckers... ready to pounce
at the hint of linguistic peccadillos... ever vigilant towards the
horizon of typographical impecunities... and.... O! No! Look out
fellows! There's a... a... Greengrocer's Apostrophe....!!!
Tre cool, ne c'est pas? Ooo, mai oui!.
PS: Hey Chris! I *meant* to mis-spell 'cheers'. Sue me.
Received on Fri Feb 26 1999 - 14:13:23 GMT