> A bunch of X terminals were donated to the local university, but the company
> was unable to find most of the host software... If anyone has the host based
> software for these, i'd sure like to get a copy:
> A couple Sun SPARCclassic X units were donated. They look to my eyes as
> if they are a normal sun, just missing a floppy drive... Can I just install
> Solaris on these?
> A pair of terminals from "Phase X Systems". I've never heard of them.
> The majority of terminals are from HP. Both HP Entria Plus, and a few
> HP Entria II systems. I really* need the host software for these...
> -Lawrence LeMay
> lemay_at_cs.umn.edu
They're full Sparcs... no problem installing Solaris if they've got the
memory and disk. They'll run Solaris 2.x-7 with no problems.
I think they'll run SunOS 4.1.4 as well.
Bill Gates is a Persian cat and a monocle away from being a
villain in a James Bond movie -- Dennis Miller
Received on Sat Feb 27 1999 - 15:42:27 GMT