On Fri, 26 Feb 1999 06:28:21 -0800, Bruce Lane <kyrrin_at_bluefeathertech.com>
>>I'm a little surprised to hear of a V.35 cable on something like a paper
>>pe handler. Are you sure the thing really does have a V.35 interface, and
>>at Roytron didn't just happen to use the same connector that V.35 devices
Since I have no operational data for the unit, it may not be a real v.35
interface, but it may just use the v.35 connector. Since it was used in a
PDP farm, I would suspect it's RS232. The cable that I remember that was
attached was RS232 to v.35 with no electronics in between.
[ Rich Cini/WUGNET
[ ClubWin!/CW7
[ MCP Windows 95/Windows Networking
[ Collector of "classic" computers
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Received on Sat Feb 27 1999 - 17:19:52 GMT