OT: 30-pin SIMMS

From: Allison J Parent <allisonp_at_world.std.com>
Date: Sat Feb 27 19:56:06 1999

<Quite a few of my machines -- including one PC-compatible and a couple of
<Sparcs -- have 30-pin 4MB SIMMs. They're fairly common.

For some reason here in the Boston metrowest area 4mb 30 pin simms are
scarce and don't go cheap.

That and most 386/486 boards want 4x of each and even at $11 that makes a
16mb ram in a 486 using 30pin more expnsive here that a 16mb (and 32mb
on sale) of the 72 pin simms.

Received on Sat Feb 27 1999 - 19:56:06 GMT

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