VEGA: 1st Soviet Electronic Calculator

From: Andrew Davie <>
Date: Sat Feb 27 21:05:20 1999

Due to the rather unique nature of this machine, and it's place in
calculating/computing history, I'm crossposting to the classic computer
list. Whilst not a computer, nor programmable (and therefore not truly
valid subject matter for classic computers), this is the very first
Electronic calculator designed in the Soviet Union. And it's a lot closer
to topic than some recent subjects.

Prior to today, neither picture nor detailed information about this machine
was available. Now, thanks to some great detective work by a friend in
Russia, we have images and details, and even some pictures of the prototypes
from 1962! Sergei tracked down the original designer.

Thanks to the wonderful research of Sergei Frolov, the Museum of Soviet
Calculators now hosts images and information about the Soviet Union's very
first Soviet Electronic Calculator, the VEGA.  We even know the names of the
people who designed it!  There are some wonderful pictures of the machine
and several PROTOTYPES!
If you're interested in the genesis of early cacluators, visit and see
exactly how they started out in the Soviet Union.  Once again, thanks to
Sergei we have some important historical information that may otherwise
never have seen the light of day.  As far as I can tell, these pictures have
Please visit the "what's new" link on the main page, which then links to the
VEGA page.
The Museum of Soviet Calculators resides at...
visit the Museum of Soviet Calculators at
a Yahoo!, Netscape, Wall Street Journal, Newsweek and New Scientist Cool
Received on Sat Feb 27 1999 - 21:05:20 GMT

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