IBM mainframes

From: William Donzelli <>
Date: Sun Feb 28 10:55:00 1999

> Does anyone have an idea what these IBM model numbers
> are like more precisely ??
> 3380- AD/AE DL131 BE4

[lots of model numbers]

> 3390 "2" A28
> I am particularly concerned about disks inside these machines;
> is there anything known ? Is any documentation available ?

Really heavy, and at one point, really large (in capacity). To use any of
these DASDs (yes, they are only hard disks, not whole mainframes), you
would need the controllers - 3880 and 3890. The drives themselves will not
do much on their own.

I hope you are not thinking about those 3380s and 3390s on eBay right now
- $500 a piece?!!?!?!!

William Donzelli
Received on Sun Feb 28 1999 - 10:55:00 GMT

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