interesting, interesting.

From: Chuck McManis <>
Date: Sun Feb 28 15:34:24 1999

Now we're getting somewhere!

At 01:04 PM 2/28/99 +0000, Pete Turnbull wrote:
>Both of my ExaByte 8200's have black faceplates. However, the LEDs are
>side-by-side about 1.25" from the left side of the drive, and the button is
>on the right.

This describes my drive as well, two LEDs side by side on the left, button
on the right.

>When the drive is powered up, what do the LEDs do?

Stay on solid until the CPU counts down to 5 (could be 4) then they go off.

> If you press the button, does the front open to allow you to insert a tape,
> like a miniature VHS machine?

Wouldn't say a VHS machine (I've got an 8mm cam corder) but certainly the
door opens and there is space in it to drop in the tape and then presumably
close the door.

> Or does it just have an open slot to slide a cartridge into?

Nope, the 4MM DAT drive on my Sun is like that. This is not one of those.

Received on Sun Feb 28 1999 - 15:34:24 GMT

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