-- Fred Cisin cisin_at_xenosoft.com XenoSoft http://www.xenosoft.com 2210 Sixth St. (510) 644-9366 Berkeley, CA 94710-2219 On 1 Jan 1999, Eric Smith wrote: > Tony wrote about Twiggy (Lisa 1) diskettes: > > Oh right.... (Just looked). Is there a more sensible way of making that > > sort of media should I ever manage to obtain a machine that uses it? > > Before I acquired any "real" Twiggy diskettes, I hand-made a few by > cutting up the jackets of standard 1.2M high-density floppies (which weren't > readily available when the Lisa 1 was current in 1983; they became common > sometime after the introduction of the IBM PC-AT in 1984). > > Recently I realized that I don't know whether the 1.2M media is actually > appropriate (although it does seem to work). In order to fit 871K on a > double-sided diskette, the Twiggy uses a 62.5 TPI track pitch, rather than > the standard 40 tracks at 48 TPI or 80 tracks at 96 TPI. Since a common > format for a DSDD (not high-density) floppy gets around 720K, and a DSHD > gets 1.2M, the bit density may be closer to that of the DD drive. > > But it's hard to say, since the Twiggy uses GCR at a variable rotation > rate. I need to get the specs on a standard 5.25 inch diskette, such as > the radius of the innermost and outermost tracks, in order to work it out. > > I'm guessing that the reason for 62.5 TPI may have been that they may have > been able to do that with the standard heads that were intended for 48 TPI > drives. > > More information on the Twiggy drives is on my web page: > > http://www.brouhaha.com/~eric/retrocomputing/lisa/twiggy.html > > > And if I hear one more person who claims the Millennium is the 31/12/1999 > > - 01/01/2000 (as opposed to the correct date of 1 year later), I am > > liable to get out a very large LART.. > > I saw a letter to the editor of PC magazine (US edition) sometime within > the past year. The writer claimed that the idea that the millenium would > end at the end of 2000 was stupid; I don't recall exactly what he said about > it, but it was something to the effect that it was OBVIOUS that the millenium > ended at the end of 1999, and that 2000 began a new millenium. > > That's not the interesting part. We hear about bozos like that all the time. > > He went on to "prove" that he was right. > > He explained that if you are counting coins, that your 100th penny was > part of your first dollar. > > Obviously he didn't actually think about the relationship very hard. > > Your 1st penny is part of your first dollar, as is the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, [...], > 98th, 99th, and 100th. Your 101st penny is the first penny of your second > dollar. [Just as the 101st year was the start of the second century, etc.] > > I was just about rolling on the floor when I read this "proof" of his point. > If it had been UseNet, I would have assumed that it was a troll. > > A lot of people gripe about the lack of a year zero. > > I try to explain to people that the year numbers are ordinal numbers, not > cardinal numbers, which usually gets blank stares. So I then explain that > A.D. years are numbered as the first year after the [whatever you call the > divider between B.C. and A.D. dates], the second year after, etc., and that > the B.C. years are numbered as the first year before, second year before, > etc.: > > baseline > event > | > | > <------|------|------|------|------|------|------|------|------|------|-----> > fifth |fourth|third |second|first |first |second|third |fourth|fifth |sixth > year | year | year | year | year | year | year | year | year | year | year > B.C. | B.C. | B.C. | B.C. | B.C. | A.D. | A.D. | A.D. | A.D. | A.D. | A.D. > | > > After seeing it presented this way (usually wider so I can mark the first > and second decade), people that aren't completely brain damaged will usually > concede that this makes some sense, even if they won't concede that it is > "correct". The rest of the people aren't even worth arguing with. > > Cheers, > EricReceived on Fri Jan 01 1999 - 19:31:09 GMT
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