I thought it must be something like that. Perhaps MITS was afraid the kit
builders would botch the job and they didn't want to have their name on
them. FWIW I have the highest known SN Altair (per Stephen Gabaly) so it
wasn't just the early kits.
At 06:17 PM 1/1/99 PST, you wrote:
>>I was looking at the Altair kit on E-OverPay. The owner says that his
>>didn't come with the Altair label. I also have an Altair that was
>>from a kit. Mine didn't come with the label either. Anybody know why?
>> Joe
>My kit did not have a label with it when shipped either.
>I have corresponded with others who tell me their's came
>sans label too. One speculated that it is the early ones
>which were sent out without labels. Don't know why.
>Bob Wood
>Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
Received on Sat Jan 02 1999 - 11:11:50 GMT