On Sat, 2 Jan 1999, Bruce Lane wrote:
> Has anyone here tried to write TK50 boot tapes for NetBSD's VAX port
> from a Linux box, using dd and a SCSI TK50 drive?
> Just curious. I'm making some progress, but I keep running into a
> metaphoric wall.
> TIA...
Just curious, have you thought about writing a quick-n-dirty C proggie to do
it? Just include st.h (see 'man mt'), open the device for output, make an ioctl
call to init the drive, you're good to go.
David Wollmann
DST / DST Data Conversion
ICQ: 10742063
AIM: FathomS36
Received on Sat Jan 02 1999 - 14:09:05 GMT