Need Help around Buffalo, NY

From: Christian Fandt <>
Date: Sat Jan 2 16:50:02 1999

So far as I know up to now Todd, I'm the closest to Buffalo on this list.
We're about 85 driving miles or so south.

At 15:53 01/02/99 -0500, you wrote:
>If anyone on the list if from around Buffalo, NT and can help to ship a
>DEC PDP-11 (in a BA-23 box) with some peripherals to me, I would
>appreciate it. I have the lead on a nice setup, but I won't be able to
>travel that far anytime soon because my daughter is too little. So if
>you know anyone that can spare an hour or two (not free, I will pay
>them) to help box it up for shipping, I would greatly appreciate it.
>Todd Osborne
>Senior Software Engineer
>FMStrategies, Inc.
>FMStrategies, Inc:
>Internet E-Mail:
>Founder of the Virtual Windows Class Library (C++)
>Anagrams? (
>Can you figure out this one? Want the answer? E-Mail me.
>COCO VERDI MOM (Hint: Think Late 1970's Computer)
>2 Wrongs Don't Make a Right, But 3 Rights Make a Left!

Christian Fandt, Electronic/Electrical Historian
Jamestown, NY USA
Member of Antique Wireless Association
Received on Sat Jan 02 1999 - 16:50:02 GMT

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