Anyone else done this...?

From: Allison J Parent <>
Date: Sat Jan 2 17:19:02 1999

<> Has anyone here tried to write TK50 boot tapes for NetBSD's VAX
<>port from a Linux box, using dd and a SCSI TK50 drive?

s doable if you have the SCSI tk50 or a TLZ30. Beware there are almost
scsi tk50s that pair up only with vs2000s (old scsi spec and the protocal
is off some).

<for some wierd reason. I gather it is possible, but I'm afriad I don't
<know how you would go about it.

I'm short on detail but it would be like any DLT in use if you have the
scsi version(difference is in the eprom on the SCSI adaptor).

Received on Sat Jan 02 1999 - 17:19:02 GMT

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