On Sun, 3 Jan 1999, Doug Yowza wrote:
> I picked up a NeXT slab (later version N1100) this weekend, but I have no
> monitor cable or docs. Anybody with spares? Monitor connector pinouts?
You pretty much need the NeXT monitor as it has half the audio circuitry
and the keyboard interface.
If you just need the cable, it's a straight through 19 pin D-sub, although
it does cary power (~70V IIRC) to the monitor and is suitably heavy-gauge.
The stock one is only a foot or so in length.
Try Spherical Solutions (www.orb.com) or Black Hole, Inc.
(www.blackholeinc.com). Both are highly reputable NeXT vendors.
r. r e d _at_ b e a r s . o r g
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Received on Sun Jan 03 1999 - 18:42:39 GMT