Not sure if this is on-topic, but if not, just tell me; I'll go quietly
A friend gave me a working (!) NCR6416 laser printer (he was clearing out
a shed), and I've got it hooked up to a Linux box on my net. It has some
small problems I feel sure I can fix by giving it a thorough cleaning, but
my main problem is docs. My friend lost the manuals for the thing long
ago, and NCR doesn't seem to remember they made it. I need info on
switch settings, front panel switches and indicators, programming, etc.
About all I've been able to find is that it uses a toner cartridge type
that is still readily available. I can print straight text to it fine from
Linux and VMS, but I need to know more to print from OS/2, apparently.
*sigh* Need a clue, people; any help *greatly* appreciated. Thanks!
Dann Lunsford * The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil * * is that men of good will do nothing. -- Cicero *
"One World, One Web, One Program" - Microsoft Promotional Ad
"Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuhrer" - Adolf Hitler
Received on Sun Jan 03 1999 - 18:59:11 GMT