In a message dated 1/3/99 4:07:25 AM Pacific Standard Time,
> > > On the topic of vintage SCSI: where NCR 5386 datasheet can be found?
> > > Preferably in .PDF? (Tektronix 4336 uses this chip.)
> >
> > I would check and (Adaptec
> bought
> > Symbios).
> Better to try <htp://> it was LSI Logic who bought
> Symbios a little while ago... A quick scan showed no obvious links to
> data on the 5386 though :-(
The SCSI to Floppy controllers I got from the Biin project use this chip. The
cards were made by NCR (1987) and are labeled SCSI FLEX SE. It is a
SCSI/Floppy only and has an 80188 microprocessor on it also. The NCR chip has
written on the top
There is another intel ASIC on the card, labeled P 82072. along with a 27256
EPROM (Z17412 printed on the sticker) and a 6264-12 memory chip. The bad news
is there are two switch blocks, a 4 position and an 8 position, and I have
absolutely no documentation.
The numbers on the card I have in front of me is:
I hopes this helps in the search for data. Now I have to reply to the list
members who were interested in purchasing some of theses. The question of how
intelligent the cards were was prominent mentioned so I offered to get numbers
off of them this weekend. I am passing it out now. I will reply shortly to the
members who are intrusted with these particulars.
To those who missed the original posting I am offering theses circuit cards
for $5 each plus shipping. They SCSI Flex SE cards are NEW, mostly sealed
packages. (It is amazing that someone feels the need to open a new package
even if he is one open
Please reply to me directly at
Thanks again,
Portland, Oregon, USA
Received on Mon Jan 04 1999 - 07:38:39 GMT