Hey all. I was just looking through my junk collection with the idea of
organizing it a bit, and I happened across these chunks of a PC.
1 western digital WD1003-WA2 16 bit mfm hard/floppy controller.
1 seagate ST4053 5.25 inch fullheight hard disk. 45 meg mfm.
from when I looked it up. Both can be yours for the price of shipping. Note
that the drive weighs about 10-15 pounds so do factor in shipping from Colorado.
As to whether they work, in short, I have no idea. I'm told the PC they came
out of was functional when I got it, but I used its case for a pentium box
I put together for a friend and stripped and threw out the AT motherboard
that was in it.
Jim Strickland
Vote Meadocrat! Bill and Opus in 2000 - Who ELSE is there?
Received on Mon Jan 04 1999 - 23:02:15 GMT