y2k stuff

From: Dann Lunsford <dann_at_greycat.com>
Date: Fri Jan 8 19:53:59 1999

In <>, on 01/08/99
   at 07:04 PM, Uncle Roger <sinasohn_at_ricochet.net> said:

>At 11:48 PM 1/4/99 -0500, you wrote:
>> o *DATA* - what about all those data files which have been
>> recorded over the years? What form was date stored?

>Working on a work-around at the moment wherein we need to store 5 digit
>numbers, but the database (deployed at nearly 400 stores around the
>western US) has only 2 bytes for this field. Unfortunately, COBOL only
>allows values up to 9999 to be stored in a two byte field, even though 2
>bytes can (in theory) hold numbers from 0 to 65535 (or -32766 to 32767 or

Ummm, it's been years (thank goodness!), but ISTR that there are a couple
of declarations that allow binary to be used. USAGE IS COMPUTATIONAL
comes to mind. Hold on, gotta peruse L-space....

Yup, that's it. COMP fields are binary. 2 byte signed on VAX COBOL, no
idea on your system. But there are several types of COMP, so maybe you've
got a variant that would work. Even if not, you can do some seriously
warped stuff with REDEFINES to get accesses to the *bit* level in COBOL,
so that two byte field can stay two bytes.

Gaaahhhhh..... I was hoping I had recovered.... *sob*

Dann Lunsford      * The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil *
dann_at_greycat.com   * is that men of good will do nothing.  --  Cicero *
You've got to kick the darkness till it bleeds daylight...
Received on Fri Jan 08 1999 - 19:53:59 GMT

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