Computer collector on Jeopardy!

From: Sam Ismail <>
Date: Fri Jan 8 21:10:09 1999

Hey, check this out! I was just watching Jeopardy and the first
contestant said he was a collector of antique computers! Alex asked him
what his oldest computer was and he said it was the first one he ever
owned, which was a kit he bought thru Popular Science for $99. His name
was Dennis. Is there a Dennis lurking on this list?? :)

Sellam Alternate e-mail:
Always being hassled by the man.

                  Coming in 1999: Vintage Computer Festival 3.0
                   See for details!
                        [Last web site update: 12/27/98]
Received on Fri Jan 08 1999 - 21:10:09 GMT

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