Stupid CP/M question

From: D. Peschel <>
Date: Sat Jan 9 01:47:08 1999

> D. Peschel said...
> |
> |You can use wildcards * and ? to specify the file on B:. They work the same
> |way as in DOS (unfortunately). If you specify one file on B:, you can give
> |it a different name on A: by adding the name before the equals sign.
> No, Dos works the same way as CP/M, unfortunately.

Apparently I was unclear.

You can use wildcards * and ? to specify the file on B:. They work the same
way as in DOS. So you can type

PIP A:=B:*.COM copies all .COM files
PIP A:=B:???.COM copies all .COM files with three-char names
PIP A:=B:*A.COM copies all .COM files (surprise!)

Obviously we agree on this part.

If you specify ONLY ONE file on B:, you can rename it on A:.


By "one" I meant "only one", not "each".

Does that help? Did you think I wrote something entirely different?

> CP/M was OK for its time, but DOS really should
> have been better. And it might have been, had a
> certain Mr. Gates not snookered its developer &
> sold the thing to IBM...

Yes, it should have. And the more MS waited to improve DOS (because there
was no incentive since they already had a monopoly, or because they were
sloppy programmers, or for backward-compatibility reasons) the more
excruciating the thought of improvements which would break old programs
became. If they had just ripped off a better OS, that might have been nice
as well. Something with long file names, or multitasking, or whatever.
And OSs of the time DID have long file names. I don't know about
multitasking (maybe OS/9 or FLEX were around when DOS was born?).

There was a column in, I think, _MacWeek_. It went roughly like this:

Steve Jobs, in a fit of angst, wishes the Mac had never been born. A
guardian angel (a la _It's a Wonderful Life_) grants him his wish. We read
about the Apple corporate headquarters (with a big "Microsoft South" sign
out front), as well as an Internet cafe.

The cafe only has a few people, typing away on clunky monochrome PC clones
(running DOS 15.5). Jobs says, "Those people look like math professors!"
"They *are* math professors!" (obvious, I guess). With no fancy graphics
or GUI, only a math professor would want to use the Internet. :)

Of course the column was self-serving of Apple, glossing over the things
Apple has inflicted on the computer industry. But it does make the point
that incentives to quality are necessary, especially where Microsoft is

-- Derek
Received on Sat Jan 09 1999 - 01:47:08 GMT

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