> Wired (no, I don't usually read it) reports that hackers were intending to
> disable Iraqui computer networks, which were supposedly accessible by
> dialup, and using a 'vintage' protocol called X.25. Could someone tell me
> what sort of protocol this is and what machines it's likely to involve?
Yeah, I saw that, too. Seemed pretty interesting, but not much of
a challange. They haven't been able to (legally) get anything in
since 1991. What scares me is Linux Beowulf, which could mean
that if one of their embassies could smuggle a bunch of normal
PC's in, they could have a super computer.
But anyway, it *CAN'T* be much of a challange, as X.25 is that old
(1), and, perhaps more imporantly, the Iraqi's aren't too bright when
it comes to computer technology.
*Tim D. Hotze - Co-Founder, The ReviewGuide*
*tim_at_thereviewguide.com *
http://www.thereviewguide.com *
Received on Sat Jan 09 1999 - 19:03:40 GMT