Did Adam Osborne pirate the Osborne 01 ?

From: Don Maslin <donm_at_cts.com>
Date: Sun Jan 10 00:07:47 1999

On Sat, 9 Jan 1999, Miles O'Neal wrote:

> Phil Clayton said...
> |
> |The Notetaker was another of the bright ideas that sprang
> | from Xerox PARC. But like many others, including the mouse it sported, it was
> | commercialized by someone else. In this case, Adam Osborne.
> It's just as well that someone did it (if he did.)
> Xerox Parc was notorious for not doing anything
> with their brilliant research. If they'd run
> with the computer stuff they had come up with,
> we'd have been some seriously happy puppies by
> now... And the PC/DOC world takeover probably
> wouldn't have happened quite as it did.

I have heard this comment over and over, and those who voice it
need to rethink what they are saying. Consider that PARC stands/stood
for Palo Alto Research Center. Emphasis on Research. It is not the
function of a research center to put things into production. That is
corporate's job. If you said 'Xerox was notorious for not doing anything
with PARC's brilliant research' there would be no disagreement at all!

                                                 - don
> Anybody who doesn't believe this needs to go do
> some research on the Alto and Star.
> -Miles

    Don Maslin - Keeper of the Dina-SIG CP/M System Disk Archives
         Chairman, Dina-SIG of the San Diego Computer Society
       Clinging tenaciously to the trailing edge of technology.
     Sysop - Elephant's Graveyard (CP/M) Z-Node 9 - 619-454-8412
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Received on Sun Jan 10 1999 - 00:07:47 GMT

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