Hi. I recently got an Apple II+. OK, it's not the most exciting
system in the world, but very cool in it's own respect. It's totally
FULL of all kinds of add-in cards (including a AD/DA converter),
and has 64K RAM. (48K+16K Pocket Rocket), etc. So basically,
it's a nice II+, but more important to me is the add on cards, which
probably hold tons of interesting secrets. There's a problem.
MACHINE WILL NOT BOOT. I can turn it on, floppy spins, but I
won't get a display. None at all. One possible reason is that the
local power is 110v, 50hz, not 60, but the IIc works fine. It was
also shipped here air freight, but once again, other computers
work, but that doesn't prove anything. Ideas? Suggestions?
*Tim D. Hotze - Co-Founder, The ReviewGuide*
*tim_at_thereviewguide.com *
http://www.thereviewguide.com *
Received on Sun Jan 10 1999 - 07:02:04 GMT