Ink printers(wasSociology and Message formatting)

From: Sam Ismail <>
Date: Mon Jan 11 15:18:44 1999

On Mon, 11 Jan 1999, Hans Franke wrote:

> > By the time I was in high school dittos were a distant memory. To put it
> > in (classiccmp) perspective, by that time inkjets were still on the
> > horizon and dot matrix printers were still the shit.
> Of what time you are talking ? In 1979 I had to do some
> maintenance for ink jet printers - 4 weeks in a small
> room between spare parts and nothing else to do but
> adjustind ink timing and cleaning these bloody heads.
> Ink jet was in fact already in wide use at this time -
> for example all teminal systems in the tax office here
> in Munich where equipped with ink jet printers as hard
> copy/form printing devices.

When I entered high school in 1987 InkJet printers were just hitting the
mass consumer market. My memory could be wrong however. But I don't
remember anything other than fast dot matrix printers being all the rage
then. To have an ImageWriter II at that time was a very cool thing.

Sellam Alternate e-mail:
Always being hassled by the man.

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Received on Mon Jan 11 1999 - 15:18:44 GMT

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