Macintosh SE

From: Doug Yowza <>
Date: Mon Jan 11 19:54:03 1999

On Mon, 11 Jan 1999, Zane H. Healy wrote:

> If you're just talking to other Mac's you can connect them with a Appletalk
> network. Otherwise if you're lucky you can find an internal Ethernet board
> for the system. If you can't find one of those you can still get
> SCSI-to-Ethernet devices, but they're likely to be expensive unless you get
> lucky and find a used one.

I just picked up one from Dayna for $15, and another one for Powerbooks
from Asante for another $15. I can look for more if somebody needs one.

> With ethernet you can talk Ethertalk (Appletalk over ethernet), TCP/IP, or
> others (with the apporiate software).

I need to figure this out, too. I want to get a couple of Apples on the
net at home, but I don't have a TCP/IP stack for them. Was this free from
Apple? Is it part of a specific version of MacOS? In the interim, I was
planning to make my Linux box talk AppleTalk over ethernet.

-- Doug
Received on Mon Jan 11 1999 - 19:54:03 GMT

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