_Way_ OT: dollar coins was Re: Y2K stuff

From: John Ruschmeyer <jruschme_at_exit109.com>
Date: Tue Jan 12 00:16:09 1999

> >Just what I want... a thief knocking me over the head and lopping off
> >my hand.
> Why do people say this? I get this all the time when I talk about my Java
> Ring (sorry it's not a classic YET). Thieves aren't going to "chop off your
> extremities" to get to the 20 - 50 units of currency you've got bound to
> your thumb print. Just like they don't dig out the eyeball of bank
> manager's that have retinal scan bank vaults. Sheesh.

I suspect that it's a product of a slightly warped mind combined with
the viewing of one too many spy and/or sci-fi movies which involve this
or similar plot points (Remember "Silence of the Lambs"?).

But, then, we live in a world where people get killed for their sneakers.

Ultimately, it is a function of whose hand, what it can access, and how
badly someone wants it.

Personally, I don't worry about someone stealing my Java Ring (if I had one)
because, IIRC, it would still work seperate from my person. Yes, a thief
might break my finger wrestling it off, but I'm as likely just to turn it
over if he gives me a chance. I'm not as likely to willingly surrender a
subdermal implant.

Received on Tue Jan 12 1999 - 00:16:09 GMT

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