R.I.P. Hayes

From: Christian Fandt <cfandt_at_netsync.net>
Date: Tue Jan 12 08:23:47 1999

At 01:44 PM 1/9/99 -0500, you wrote:
>On Sat, 9 Jan 1999 rhblake_at_bigfoot.com wrote:
>> They still have an active and alive webpage at http://www.hayes.com/
without any
>> mention of demise. Where did you get this info?
>ZDNet. I think Hayes probably forgot to update their webpage, they
>probably have better things to do.

More likely, no one is still employed there who can handle changing
webpages or even know how to shut down the webserver. Probably just a few
beancounters kept by the the bank(s) are still there to cleanup the
financial rubble.

-- --

Christian Fandt, Electronic/Electrical Historian
Jamestown, NY USA cfandt_at_netsync.net
Member of Antique Wireless Association
        URL: http://www.ggw.org/freenet/a/awa/
Received on Tue Jan 12 1999 - 08:23:47 GMT

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